Rangzen Tibetan Place

During my recent trip to Boston, Mary Ellen introduced me to the first Tibetan restaurant I’ve been to. It’s tasty! I want to go back and try more aspects. Like dumplings. So we ate at night, and the tables are really squished together. The interior is really beautiful but I didn’t want to disturb the other diners with the flash on my camera. Click on the website above and you’ll see how CHARMING and exotic looking Rangzen is.

We ordered the combination of fried appetizers. See below for the complete list. My favorite was the ball looking things that is the Shogo Numtak, fried mashed potatoes. You can’t go wrong with fried. I am a Texan, after all.

  • SHOGO NUMTAK – Mashed potato with cilantro & ginger, rolled in bread and fried.
  • DULUMA NUMTAK – Thinly sliced eggplant dipped in chick pea batter and fried
  • TSEL NUMTAK – Shredded mixed vegetables with ginger, garlic & cilantro dipped in chick pea batter and fried
  • SHAMO NUMTAK – Mushroom with mashed chickpeas, cilantro, ginger, onion rolled in bread & fried.

This is my order. Langsha Chow.

LANGSHA CHOW – Noodles sauteed with beef, shredded cabage, carrot, red onion, cilantro, tomato, scallion, spinach, soy sauce, ginger & garlic sprinkled with cilantro. It was pretty tasty. Nothing too wild and crazy but I loved the tiny tomatoes and the vegetables were super fresh. It made me want to go home and make stirfry.

Mary Ellen’s SUPER tasty vegetarian dish.

Mary Ellen’s order was delectable. I tend to shy away from vegetarian entrees because I operate under the stereotype that veggies are boring but this dish totally kicked my dish’s ass. She got the PO TSEL: Fresh spinach with ginger, garlic, tomato, onion & spices combined with Gonga (Scambled eggs). Mmm.

I like Tibetan! I want to go back.

Rangzen Tibetan Place
24 Pearl St
Cambridge, MA 02139
617) 354-8881