As the Coronavirus continues to wreak havoc in our world with its rapid spread, the food and service industry is experiencing an alarming decline in business, putting into danger the livelihood of thousands of service industry workers. Asian restaurants were first to feel the burn when xenophobic reactions to the virus spread, and now all restaurants are reporting a steep decline in business. Just imagine all your favorite restaurants no longer being able to serve your favorite dishes months from now because they couldn’t afford to pay their employees or make rent. Restaurant owners and leaders in the Triangle have joined forces in Facebook groups trying to creatively weather the storm together. Here are five ways you can support your favorite businesses as they weather the coronavirus pandemic.

Buying gift cards and merch directly from your favorite restaurants.

Buying gift cards and products directly from local businesses’ websites will help alleviate the lack of cash flow amidst the coronavirus outbreak.
MOFU Shoppe announced that the gift cards purchased on their website will be put towards a pool to pay for sick time off for staff and “other creative and safe ways [they] can keep staff gainfully employed.” Sophia Woo, the owner of Mofu Shoppe, has been an active community-builder in the Triangle restaurant scene, brainstorming with other restaurant owners and encouraging all of us to do our part in keeping our favorite places open.
MOFU Shoppe
321 S Blount St, Raleigh, NC 27601
Consider takeout and tip as you would dining in or more.
While dining rooms are closed due to an official shelter-in-place order, some restaurants are still open for takeout, curbside pickup, and delivery. I put together a rolling list of restaurants still open for takeout.
Tip more than you usually would.
In addition to tipping generously for takeout, please consider also tipping more than you normally would generally.
Simply donate to their causes.
Restaurants are laying off their loyal staff due to these hard times. I put together a page listing out donation pages to help provide relief to our service industry friends.
Look up your favorite restaurants and follow them on social media.
Follow your favorite restaurants on social media to stay updated on any changes they implement. They could be announcing new opportunities and ways for us to offer support. For instance, one of my favorite restaurants in Cary just implemented delivery. That’s right, ko an just announced on their Instagram that they’ll be offer delivery!

2800 Renaissance Park Pl, Cary, NC 27513
For more coverage about local businesses in the Triangle, feel free to check out my Ultimate Guide to the Triangle. Please help your local businesses weather the coronavirus pandemic. The local food scene is a big reason why the Triangle is such a wonderful destination, it’ll be a shame to lose any of these gems.
Please share this post and leave comments with more ideas on how to be of service to our service industry.
Follow my eating adventures and happenings on Instagram. You can also see what is catching my attention in the food world on Twitter and Facebook. I also recently launched a Patreon to share some behind the scenes of running a food and travel blog!
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