3014 Main St
Dallas, TX 75226
(469) 206-3658
My visit to Monkey King Noodle Company has been way overdue. I have the pleasure of being college friends with two of the three owners, Andrew Chen and Michael Wang. Michael Wang and I were close friends throughout college and had twice weekly noodle lunch dates! I have had the pleasure of seeing him mature and grow the last twelve years. He has seen me through the toughest times of my life and now that we’re in different corners of the country, I still find myself beaming with pride. Michael, Andrew, and the third owner of MKNC, Michelle Midyette opened Monkey King Noodle Company in Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas in September of last year.
Coincidentally, one of my best friends, Treavor moved to Deep Ellum from Seattle in February. Not knowing that I’ve already been following MKNC, he recently sent me an article about MKNC as a gentle reminder that I still needed to visit him in Dallas. He also posted this photo of beautiful sunflowers located close to Dallas. So that was the final push. I made a one day trip to Dallas to romp around in sunflower fields and to eat at MKNC. It was the perfect Saturday. Spending the morning gazing at sunflowers bigger than our faces, and then in the evening on a rooftop patio slurping hand pulled noodles with people I love. Oh yeah, the noodles are hand pulled. You can watch in wonder through a window.

Andrew pulling noodles.
I ordered the spicy beef noodle soup ($8) and it was the best spicy beef noodle soup I’ve had! I’ve also sampled my friends’ Dandan Noodles ($8) and chicken noodle soup ($8). The Dandan noodles were my favorite of the three. It has mild sweet and spicy undertones that really tantalizes. Anita’s chicken noodle soup had a very clean feel to it and the chicken was amazingly tender. We also shared steamed pork dumplings ($7) and soup dumplings ($8). We were all happy campers. We ended this Saturday with a night out dancing. Another perfect summer night to go down in the books.

With one of the owners, Andrew Chen
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