10 S Lexington Ave
Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 252-4181
It is a life goal of mine to visit every single state in the US. There are rules. Airports layovers do not count. Straight drive throughs do not count. I have to experience something of note in each state. It has been a slow endeavor of mine but in the last seven months I have knocked off seven states, bringing me officially to the halfway mark!
A couple of weeks ago I flew into Charlotte, North Carolina and immediately drove into South Carolina to spend the night and see a 1,400 year old oak tree. Then I drove back up to North Carolina to attend a wedding. Woke up the next day and drove three hours into Virginia to see a sight and then another four hours to visit Asheville, North Carolina. I could have technically been done with North Carolina with just the wedding but I’ve had my sights on seeing the Biltmore for ages. You can read more about my experience of Biltmore on my personal blog.
I kept hearing about French Broad Chocolate Lounge when I was in Asheville. The line was out the door when I arrived but I’m not one to balk at long lines. (Thanks for the conditioning Hopdoddy, Ramen Tatsuya, and Franklin!) I had just finished eating a big meal but thought I could make room to taste at least one thing. I asked one of the servers what would they recommend to someone who has never been there and might possibly never be back. Without blinking he said the liquid truffle, which I then learned is what they call their drinking chocolate.
Now, I’ve had plenty of drinking chocolates and have had a long time favorite in Houston’s Chocolate Bar. It was such a convenience to have my best cup of drinking chocolate just a three hour drive away from me. I’m so sad to say my best cup experienced is now 1,150 miles or a 17 hour drive away. Damn.
It was smooth, rich, thick, and I had mine flavored with a hint of honey and lavender.
I had already fallen in love with Asheville by the time I drank this decadent cup of chocolate. I smiled to myself as I remembered my opening line to the server. “What do you recommend to someone who hasn’t been here and might never come back?”
I guess the joke is on me.
Move over Chocolate Bar in Houston, French Broad Chocolate Lounge is the new purveyor of the best hot chocolate of my life.
Follow my eating adventures and happenings on Instagram. You can also see what is catching my attention in the food world on Twitter and Facebook. Oh, and I just launched a Youtube channel!
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