Traditional Vietnamese Lunch

Hello! I have been out of the country and town for two weeks, eating more of the world while visiting Paris, Amsterdam, and Brussels. I cannot wait to share more about it when I have time to get my bearings and process my thoughts and photos. It’s just so nice to be back. My mom welcomed me back to Texas with a home-cooked meal. Even after eating my share of delightful foods in Europe, if given the choice, mom’s food wins.

Often times Ca Kho (fish in caramel sauce) is served along side Canh Chua (sour soup.) The fish head and tail are used to make the broth in the soup while the belly and middle is cooked in a clay pot with caramel sauce. The greens is also a very traditional Vietnamese dish called Rau Muong Xao. Stir fried water spinach with hints of shrimp paste and copious amounts of garlic. I’ve eaten this meal countless times while growing up with my mom. Cooking is my mom’s love language and I’m so happy that it’s becoming mine as well.