Tea Time: Sweet Potato Tea to be Exact

display of teas

A Korean coworker just came back from Korea and treated the lab to a lovely display of different teas. I spotted two crazy teas I’ve never had, sweet potato tea and sweet pumpkin.

Sweet Pumpkin Tea Sweet Potato Tea

I asked her about them and oddly, the bearer of gifts only tried one of the more usual teas, the green tea and had nothing to report on the unusuals. So I did what any responsible “foodie” would do and brewed some sweet potato tea. Umm.. the color of the tea is a little ugly, no? It reminds me of blueberries, except ugly. Or a watercolor water cup. You know the cup of water you use to clean your paintbrushes with?

Ugly Color

I AM happy to report that the tea itself tastes just like sweet potato and is quite good.

Other odd teas I’ve tried: Pistachio, thanks to Cindy and artichoke, thanks to my momma.

Questions: How do you like your tea? What is your flavor?

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