How to Make Easy Ice Cream Cake

I was just going through my photos and found this photo of an easy ice cream cake I made for a going-away dinner I hosted last week. I forgot to take a photo of the cake before we all dug in with multiple slices each, but this aftermath of a cake still conveys the original essence. I know. It sounds like I’m talking out my bum when I suggest that this cake has an essence. Its essence is joy, ease, childhood nostalgia, and celebration. Do you see it now?

ice cream cake

I found the easy recipe for this ice cream cake on Beautiful Mess.

I lined a square baking pan with wax paper for easy transfer. I then lined the bottom with ice cream sandwiches. (For the whole cake, I used 10 ice cream sandwiches). I cut a couple of sandwiches to fit the pan. Then quickly added a layer of ice cream. I chose my current favorite store-bought flavor, HEB Creamy Creations, Candy Bar Classic, which ended up being a great compliment because the nuts added a salty component to the otherwise very sweet cake. Then I added another layer of ice cream sandwiches on top. I covered the pan and placed it in the freezer as I worked on my top layer.

For the top layer, I melted chocolate and crushed Birthday Oreos. When the topping was prepped, I pulled out the ice cream cake and spread the melted chocolate on top and sprinkled with sprinkles and Oreo crumbs. I covered the cake again and put it in the freezer to set.

I made this the night before dinner and it was one less thing I had to worry about the night of the dinner. The cake was easy to remove from the pan and presented well on a white serving plate. It’s just a shame we were too excited to dig into the cake to snap that before photo.

My roommate and I gleefully ate the leftovers the next day. I’ll definitely be making this again!

Other easy sweet treats you can make at home? How about a strawberry sauce recipe or a fluffy coffee recipe? Both only need three ingredients!

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