How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others on Social Media

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others on Social Media

9 years ago today, I posted my first Instagram photo on @lindaeatsword 🎂. I almost didn’t mention this anniversary. I felt like it wasn’t that big of an accomplishment when I hold it up against other talented influencers who have done this for a fraction of the time and skyrocketed in vanity metrics. Meanwhile, I plod away, steady and slow. I’ve always been a bit of a late bloomer when you peer at my life and consider how many societal badges I’ve acquired. Technically, still not married in my late 30s. No adorably chubby babies or kids. I don’t own a home. On and on 😬.

Social media, while it’s become a way of life and even how I earn my livelihood, has its pitfalls. The biggest one is it makes it so easy to compare. It’s hard in this day and age to not look at other people curating their lives on social media and feeling like we are coming up short.

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others on Social Media

So I thought I’d share an exercise on how I help that temptation to compare and feel crappy. I ask myself, would I give up everything I have to trade lives with anyone? The answer is an empathic no. I love my friends. Some of my girlfriends have become more like family to me than some of my biological relationships.  I love being my parents’ daughter. I am stinking in love with Sugarface, and I love his family. I love getting to know y’all in the last 9 years.  I wouldn’t trade any of this for anyone else’s life no matter how many followers they have. We can’t covet just one part of someone’s life without taking into account the entire package. And vice versa, we can’t covet parts of people’s lives without discounting everything we cherish and already have. So in short, to pivot yourself out of a comparison spiral, start counting your blessings.

So, friend. Do you have any other tips on how to stop comparing? I’d love to hear them! Comment below and let me know.

Follow my eating adventures and happenings on Instagram. You can also see what is catching my attention in the food world on Twitter and Facebook. Oh, I’m now on tiktok, ha! 

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